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Future Talks

Talk 1: Audrey Desjardins

  • I was inspired by the way design interventions are part of daily life (in a first person perspective).
  • Most of the time, the designer uses their own systems to learn (autobiographical design).
  • I got commited with some tips: check in with yourself (how are you?), set a timeframe, document your work and be ready to communicate, change your role, find people that share your purpose, use our body as research tools.

Talk 2: Laura Forlano

  • I was inspired by the autoethnographic experience in design, “you can see the yourself in the world and the world in you” and describing herself as a disabled ciborg.
  • The use of the “what if” for triggering questions and ideas that rapidly are transformed into action.
  • Collecting data of your own life can be meaningfull.
  • We can collaborate with no-humans technology, algorythms, nature, and other).
  • There is no limit between designer and ‘whom you design for’.

Talk 3: Sergio Urueña

  • I was inspired by responsible innovation and by asking myself “what being responsible means?”.
  • The circular approach of understanding how society and technology are mutually shaping reality, make me realize the importance of “taking care of the future” and also how “things have agency”.
  • Everything is affected and affects (enacted by and for) everything in a way.
  • Taking in consideration the 4 dimensions (inclusion, reflexivity, responsiveness and anticipation) is a frame for developing projects for the future.

Talk 4: Saul Baeza

  • I was inspired by the concept of radical design and going further on our own boundaries. This radicality happens always in a context, so what is radical for me is different than from anybody else. Sometimes to go further, means to go back to the roots (to the basis).
  • The exploration is a thing in itself, do not expect a specific outcome.
  • Good examples of how our body is a tool for exploring and understanding life, society and the world.

Talk 5: Ron Wakkary

  • I was inspired by the idea of the gathering of humans and non humans for the intention of designing something.
  • In “design with” concept, we are all interconected (relationality) and things have their own agency.
  • How do we co-habit this more than human world? Biographies are made of different biographies. There is a “speaken subject” that narrates it.
  • When will a biography end?, and what is left behind?

Talk 6: Nicolas Viollier

  • I was inspired by the way he has managed to transform the alternative present speculation into a reality. It was a great example of how to use the present to imagine the future in a tangible way.
  • We are multidisciplinary beings, so we can use many tools and resources, be in many places during the day, and work in different proyects that connect in purpose. In order to make the “new me” real, you have to combine the opportunities that arise.

Final Reflection

Who you are?

I am a human being. I am son, grandson, brother, uncle, friend, husband. I am strongly attached to my emotions and aware of what is happening around me. I get inspired by people. I need social interaction to grow, to change, to live.

It is difficult to define myself, so it is easy to say that I feel like a multidisciplinary professional: study commercial engineering as undergraduate, study acting and theater, specialize in innovation methodologies, teach in different educational contexts, cofounded a B corp that works with communities, and now expanding my career through design and technology for emergent futures. I have never like tags or job titles but know it is to simplify reality and who we are or what we do. For me it would be: Social entrepreneur, business designer & educator. Interested in design as a tool for social transformation and the generation of positive impact for the future(s).

I am passionate about fabrication process (the doing), art as a social agent of expression and food culture.

What makes you unique (identity)?

The way I built relationships with people.

Personal “vision” of your future as a professional

Design Researcher and Social Doer. I want to feel as a permanent learner, exploring new things beyond boundaries, constructing alternative presents and imagining emergent futures. I want to continue my radical design journey as a trigger for generating awareness about critical scenarios. I want to continue discovering things, but not in only in a theoretical form but with my feet in the street. Doing what is needed, always with a social sense.

I feel responsible for what is happening and also I feel I have the power to make a positive change.

Last update: July 5, 2022